In this article we know about Infosys share buyback Record date, Price, last date and how to apply online share of Infosys. Infosys has recently announced that its board has approved Rs 9,200 crores buyback of equity shares from the open market. This is the third buyback announced by Infosys during a space of five years. In December 2017, the corporate completed a buyback of 11.3 crore equity shares at a price of Rs 1,150 per share for Rs 13,000 crore. Checkout WENDT OFS details online.

Infosys Share Buyback
Infosys bought back another 11.03 crore equity shares in August 2019 for an average price of 758 per equity share under its buyback offer of Rs 8,260 crore. Other than Infosys, there are other two IT Giants who had completed their share buybacks in this year.
What are Infosys Buyback and their Advantages?
So, let us first understand what a buyback and its advantages to an organization.
Buying shares is a financial engineering tool. It is often defined as a process allowing an organization to return to its shareholders and offer to purchase the shares owned by them. Buyback helps an organization make better use of its funds. It also helps an organization to not indulge in needless divergence or purchasing growth through expensive acquisitions.
An organization like Infosys has various reasons for the buyback of shares. The buyback will help Infosys to boost shareholder value. It will provide a way of using the excess unutilized funds of companies with unattractive alternative capital options. A reduction in the capital base resulting from buying back will typically produce higher earnings per share (EPS). It will act as a defensive mechanism and insure them from a hostile takeover by increasing the assets of their promoters.
It will encourage them to reduce their equity base, injecting much-needed flexibility. With this buyback, Infosys is expected to have a huge potential for long-term wealth accumulation.
The management of Infosys is also making strategic investments like acquiring more Artificial Intelligence and tech-powered startups across the world, moving to an asset-light model, investing in more research and development by expanding their academic partnership, and retaining their best-performing workforce.
What is Buyback?
This buyback will have certain positive benefits to Infosys. They will have a better share price appreciation after repurchasing shares. This repurchase of shares will also indicate to their investors of the company’s strengths and establish them as one of the leading companies globally.
Infosys has informed that they are planning to buy back shares at a maximum of Rs 1,750 per share which comes to around 25% more than the current market price. Infosys announces the news of buyback of shares along with the financial results of their company where it reported a jump in net profit by Rs 755 crore in the January-March quarter.
This approved buyback plan is less than 15% of the aggregate of the total paid-up share capital of Infosys. Infosys plan to buy back nearly five crores twenty-five lacs seventy one thousand four hundred and twenty-eight equity shares with this buyback plan. Infosys had changed its capital return policy at the beginning of FY20 and had decided to return 85 per cent of the cashback to shareholders.
The Indian multinational information technology company crossed a milestone of Rupees One Lakh crores in revenue in FY 2024. The firm reported a consolidated profit of more than Rupees Five thousand crore for the quarter ended March 2024, while its consolidated revenue from operations increased to Rupees Twenty six thousand three hundred and eleven crores. The dollar revenue growth of Infosys increased by Ninety-Seven million dollars in the last quarter of 2024.
For the purpose of buyback, the board has constituted a buyback committee, comprising the Chief Operating Officer, the Chief Financial Officer, the Deputy Chief Financial Officer, the General Counsel and the Company Secretary of the Company.
The plan is a part of Infosys’ capital return of Rs 15,600 crore, which also includes a final dividend of Rs 6,400 crore. Infosys had enhanced its capital allocation plan from FY20 and had announced that it will return 85 per cent of free cash flow cumulatively over five years via buyback and dividends.
इन्फोसिस के बारे में
इन्फोसिस फ्यूचरिस्टिक डिजिटल सेवाओं और परामर्श में वैश्विक नेताओं में से एक है। वे अपने डिजिटल क्रांति को नेविगेट करने के लिए बड़ी संख्या में देशों में ग्राहकों को सक्षम करते हैं।
जैसा कि हम जानते हैं इन्फोसिस के पास वैश्विक उद्यमों की प्रणालियों और कामकाज के प्रबंधन का अनुभव है। वे इसे आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस से संचालित कोर के साथ उद्यम को सक्षम करके करते हैं जो परिवर्तन के निष्पादन को प्राथमिकता देने में मदद करता है। वे प्रदर्शन के असाधारण स्तर और ग्राहक को प्रसन्न करने के लिए बड़े पैमाने पर उत्तरदायी डिजिटल के साथ व्यवसाय को सशक्त बनाते हैं।
इन्फोसिस ने अपने सिस्टम में हमेशा से सीखने के एजेंडे को लागू किया है। यह हमारे नवाचार पर्यावरण से डिजिटल कौशल, विशेषज्ञता और अवधारणाओं के निर्माण और हस्तांतरण के माध्यम से उनके निरंतर सुधार को चलाता है।
Infosys was established in 1981. It is an NYSE listed global consulting and IT services company with more than two lakhs fifty thousand employees. From a capital of US$250, they have grown to become a US$13.56 billion (Q4 FY21 revenues) company with a market capitalization of approximately US$79.74 billion.
In their journey of forty years, they have catalyzed some of the major changes that have led to India’s emergence as the global destination for software services talent. They became the first IT Company from India to be listed on NASDAQ.
The alliance with leading technology partners strengthen the services and business solutions of Infosys and create business values reduces implementation risk and accelerates commercialization.
They work with their partners to boost their revenue growth, expand markets and geographic reach, facilitate the sales process, and enhance product and service offerings. Jointly with alliance partners, Infosys delivers business solutions that address clients’ business and technology problems. They address specific client needs as well as develop tools and methods to accelerate the successful deployment of solutions while reducing risk.
A buyback or stock repurchase is usually done by an organization by selling its outstanding stock to decrease the number of free-market stock. In this case Infosys share buyback is same. Many organizations are buying back shares for various purposes. Some of them want to raise the value of remaining shares by reducing the supply or stopping other shareholders from taking control of shares. Infosys has done buyback of shares three times in the last five years. But they have a core strategical group that finalizes the plan and its execution after understanding all the essential outcome of their decision.
Hope you know all the information regarding Infosys share buyback price, Record Date and all news here upnews360 portal. Other than Infosys, Wipro and Tata Consultancy Services are the other two major IT giants who had also bought back share in this financial year.
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