What is KVS?
Many people want to know about KVS ubi login page for teacher and student. So we shared article in depth about that. The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan is an organised system of the majority of the central government schools in the country. There are many article related to education like E Praghna Sri Chaitanya login , edumerge parent portal and more available. The institute was set up under the supervision of the Government of India, specifically the Ministry of Education.
The institute was established in 1963 with the name of ‘Central Schools’ but later transformed to Kendriya Vidyalaya. Today it is considered as one of the world’s largest chains by including different schools in different parts of the world.

KVS UBI Login Portal
All the schools which are a part of this system have an affiliation to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). Often considered as a non-profit organization it aims to educate children of the Indian Defence Services personnel, posted to remote or rural locations.
The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan translates to ‘Central School Organisation’ and is headquarters in New Delhi. With the Minister of Human Resource Development as the main head, there are various other ministers working for the holistic development of the students as well as the system.
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With 1243 schools under its system as of October 2020, the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan is one of the longest school chains in the world. All the schools under it are co-educational and offer bilingual instruction.
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) Fees Payment through United Bank of India (UBI):
The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has partnered with the United Bank of India to carry on all its transactions. The Union Fee Pay is an online fee collection solution offered by the Union Bank of India. UBI is quite popular in providing an online set of solutions to educational institutions and KVS is one of them. All the major fee components such as Tuition Fee, VVN Fee, Computer Fee, Staff Salary are managed and looked after by the United Bank of India.
- The entire fees collection of the pan-India schools under the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan is taken care of by the United Bank of India
- The bank offers the provision of payments through both offline and online modes
- Stakeholders/Parents/Students of KVS can easily make payments through Credit Card or Debit Card of either UBI or any other bank
- Payments can be done by the Stakeholders/Parents/Students of KVS by Internet Banking or Mobile Banking using any smartphone
- The United Bank of India provides an automated calculation of the fee of every student.
How to do KVS UBI Teacher Login?
To do the KVS ubi login or Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan UBI Teacher Login, one must follow the steps given below:
- Visit the official page of the website and go to the ‘KVS UBI Teacher Login’ option
- Login using your Username and Password
- If there still arises any problem in logging in, there is a troubleshooting option available
How to pay KVS Fees Online through UBI Link?
The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has a centralized online fee payment system. The fees are paid quarterly during the months of January, April, July, and October. The fee is collected from 1st to 15th of each of these months through the UBI link. For this purpose the following steps need to be considered:
➔ How to generate Student Challan?
Student Unique ID is a fifteen digit number which is made available from the student information provided in the institute’s database. Students can easily get their Student IDs from their respective class teachers. If not, it is easy to generate one online. To do so, visit the official website, kvsangathan.nic.in and enter the necessary details.
➔ KVS Fees Online through UBI Link:
In this section we shared KVS ubi login link for fee payment online:
- Visit the official website of the Union Bank of India
- Select the Bill Payment option
- On the new window, click on the Online fees Collection (Fee Payment) link
- Enter your Student ID, Date of Birth
- Copy the captcha code in the image and enter ‘login’
- On the payment portal choose the mode of payment(Credit Card/Debit Card/NetBanking/Mobile Banking)
- Proceed to make the payment online
- Save the fee confirmation details
Mission of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan:
The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan was established with a four-fold mission:
- To set a strong background in the field of school education, thereby pursuing excellence
- So to cater to the educational needs of the Indian Defence Services personnel and those individuals with transferable government jobs
- To develop and promote a spirit of national integration
- Work in collaboration with Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) and other such institutions to promote experimentation and innovations in education
Objectives of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan:
- It carries out research and training in the field of education.
- So it aims to develop a spirit of nationalism and oneness among the children.
- It aims at excelling in the field of education through various programmes.
- By unique ideas and experimentation, it aims to promote innovation in educational aspects.
- It caters the educational needs of the children of the employees of Central Government who are transferable which includes Defence and Para-Military personnel by providing a common programme of education
How to Download KVS Challan Form?
Step by step guide for download KVS challan form online as mention below:
- All the students who are a part of KVS must have a 15 digit unique ID that is provided in the Challan copy, for the fee payment.
- Open the official website of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sanghathan
- Click on the UBI Online Fee Coll., present at the bottom of the homepage.
- You will be directed to the Fee Pay page of Union Bank.
- Then, you would have to choose from the three options provided to you which include Click Here for Online Payment, Click Here for Print Receipt and Click Here for Generate Challan & Print Receipt
- Click on the link of online payment for generating the Challan at kvs ubi login online portal.
- You will be redirected to a new page where you have to fill in certain details.
- Enter you 15 digit Unique ID, Date of Birth and Captcha.
- Once you have entered the details, click on login.
- After the login, you can make your online payment and generate the Challan.
- You have to print the receipt and submit it to the respective teachers.
Kendriya Vidayalaya Shaala Darpan:
The Kendriya Vidyalaya Shaala Darpan is e-governance platform launched by the Minister of Human Resource Development. With coverage of all the Kendriya Vidyalayas in the country, this platform aims to improve the quality of learning, efficiency of the school administration. It provides adequate services to the stakeholders, teachers, parents, students and staff.
➔ How to login into Kendriya Vidyalaya Learning Support Platform?
Under the Kendriya Vidyalaya Shaala Darpan, there is an application which supports the entire learning spectrum. This includes face-to-face classroom instruction, virtual online curriculum delivery system. This initiative comprises user-friendly tools and resources and brings the teachers and students together on the same platform.
How to login into KVS Shaala Darpan Learning Support Platform:
- Visit the official website of the KVS Shaala Darpan
- Select the Learning Support Platform option
- Enter your Username and Password
- Click on ‘Login’ option
➔ How to login into Kendriya Vidyalaya Analytics?
In case the parents want to know about their children’s’ activities and progress or wish to obtain a digital view of the school’s administration, they can do it using this portal. The Kendriya Vidyalaya Analytics serves as a virtual radar system to provide such information.
How to login into Kendriya Vidyalaya Analytics?
- Visit the official website of the KVS Shaala Darpan
- Select the Analytics option
- Enter your Username and Password
- Click on ‘Login’ option
All the students pursuing their education in any of the institutes under the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan in any part of the country have to make their fee payment using the KVS Challan or KVS ubi login portal. The fees collection is solely managed by the Union Bank of India through various modes of payment. The modes of payment include- Online Payment, Challan Payment, Payment through Mobile Banking, Payment through PoS.
KV Helpdesk For Payment or Fees
Union Bank of India, Saket branch,
A – 2/92 Saket, New Delhi – 110017
IP – 545802, Telephone : 011-29552032 / 33
Email: [email protected]
Frequently Asked Questions:
- What is the full form of KVS?
Ans: The abbreviation KVS stands for Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
- When does the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan collect fees?
Ans: The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan collects fees quarterly in the months of January, April, July, and October.
- Does Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has its own training Institute?
Ans: Yes, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has Zonal Institutes of Education and Training (ZIET) all across the country.
- How many Zonal Institutes of Education and Training (ZIET) are there under KVS?
Ans: There are only five Zonal Institutes of Education and Training (ZIET) operational in the country. They are Mumbai, Gwalior, Mysore, Chandigarh and Bhubaneswar.
- What are the different modes of paying fees through the Union Bank of India?
Ans: There are various modes of payment. The modes of payment include- Online Payment, Challan Payment, Payment through Mobile Banking, Payment through PoS.
- Does Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan impart training to its employees?
Ans: Yes, if required, the KVS employees are to be deputed to attend training sessions and programmes.
- Where can I find the Challan form of KVS?
Ans: You can get the KVS Challan form on the official portal of Kendriya Vidyalaya.
- How can I submit my Kendriya Vidyalaya fees online?
Ans: You can visit official website of KVS ubi login page https://www.unionbankofindia.co.in/english/personal-fees-kv.aspx
- What is fee of KV?
Ans: There are many fee of KV like admission fee, Tuition fee, Computer Fee and more.
- How can I download KV fee challan?
Ans: Visit KVS official website of https://epay.unionbankofindia.co.in/kvchallan/default.aspx and enter required details
- Is KV admission started?
Ans: KV admission started or not for that you can visit official website.
- How can I reprint my KV fee receipt?
Ans: Visit KVS fee website https://epay.unionbankofindia.co.in/kvreceipt/default.aspx and click on reprint on button
- What is KV unique ID?
Ans: KV student unique ID is a 15 digit number mentioned in challan copy.
- Is KV changing uniform 2020?
Ans: As we now no change in Kendriya Vidyalaya Uniform in 2020.
- How many KVS are there in Kolkata?
Ans: There are approx 62 KVS available in Kolkata.
- Is it required for the Kendriya Vidyalaya to distribute Fees Challan to its students?
Ans: It is required to distribute Fees Challan to its students for at least two quarters in the beginning. It is important to distribute Fees Challan irrespective of the fact that payment is being offline or online via kvs ubi login portal.
Final Words
So we hope you know all the information about KVS ubi login, teacher & student login and UBI portal KVS. Kendriya vidyalaya sangathan challan, fees, payment, how to print or reprint challan, generate challan or fee receipt and more.
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