IGNOU Samarth Login
What is IGNOU Samarth login portal? Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has commenced the re-registration for the July session, 2020. This online application process has started on the Samarth Portal of the University’s official website.
On this new portal, one gets access to one’s own dashboard where there are a lot of facilities provided. Know about other portal like Edumerge parent portal , Prabandh login portal, Skolaro student login portal and more.

Samarth Login Portal
Samarth Portal is a newly launched platform by IGNOU which requires the candidates and students to re-register themselves for the next academic year or semester. It is a very insightful attempt on part of the university which through this new website is trying to meet the requirements of the students throughout the course of their programmes.
समर्थ पोर्टल के बारे में
समर्थ पोर्टल क्या है। यहां हमने समर्थ पोर्टल के फीचर्स शेयर किए।एंटरप्राइज रिसोर्स प्लानिंग (ईआरपी) सिस्टम सबसे लोकप्रिय व्यापार प्रबंधन प्रणालियों में से एक रहा है, जो बड़े संगठनों में व्यावसायिक प्रक्रियाओं के लिए वास्तविक समय क्षमताओं और निर्बाध संचार का लाभ प्रदान करता है।
तो समर्थ पोर्टल में कंप्यूटर प्रोग्रामिंग, फास्ट मैन्युफैक्चरिंग और बहुत कुछ जैसे कई कोर्स हैं। समर्थ विश्वविद्यालयों और उच्च शिक्षा संस्थानों के लिए एक ओपन सोर्स, ओपन स्टैंडर्ड सक्षम मजबूत, सुरक्षित, स्केलेबल और विकासवादी प्रक्रिया स्वचालन इंजन है।
Samarth Login Portal IGNOU
IGNOU, by the help of the Samarth Portal, is providing a ‘single window’ to its students for their benefits and also for the process of re-registration for the July session, 2020. The services offered by this new portal include information related to the course, study centre, exam form submission, syllabus, regional centres and the provision to change the applicant’s address.
New students, as well as those who have been previously registered, are supposed to re-register on this new portal. One can easily register oneself on this newly launched portal:
Ignou.samarth.edu.in. Students can either visit the link of the Samarth Portal directly or refer to the old one which will direct you to the Samarth Portal.
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Besides registering on the portal, students are also allowed the option of making online payments through net banking, debit cards, credit cards or UPI. Since it is a new initiative, out of a total of 49 programmes, registrations are open for only 35 courses. According to the official notification declared by the University, the configuration of the rest of the courses is in the process. The courses still left to be added for re-registration on the Samarth Portal are:
- Master of Social Work
- Master of Travel and Tourism Management
- Management Programs such as MBA, PG Specialization Diplomas
- An integrated course of BCA-MCA
How to Registration in Samarth Portal?
The registration process on the Samarth Portal involves the following steps:
- Visit the old registration portal link or Ignou.samarth.edu.in
- Enter a username, your full name, email address, mobile number and set a password
- Once your account is created, login to the admission portal
- Fill in the course details and make the payment
Once you are registered on the portal, you will get access to your own dashboard to avail the other services.
How to Login in Samarth Portal Online?
If you have already registered on Samarth portal, then you have to just login via below mention steps:
- First of all visit official website or click here
- Next enter your username with password
- Then enter captcha
- Finally click on “Login” button
IGNOU Samarth Helpline Number
If any query or problems regarding IGNOU Samarth portal you can contact via email address or call contact number as mention below:
- IGNOU Samarth Helpline Number: 011 29571301 or 011 29571528
- Email address: csrc2ignou.ac.in
Video Credit: Samarth project
Frequently Asked Questions about Samarth Portal
- What is Samarth?
- How can I apply for IGNOU Samarth admission 2020 online?
- What is the last date for IGNOU admission 2020?
- How can I check my admission in IGNOU?
- Is IGNOU free for SC/ST?
- Do I need to attend classed in IGNOU?
Final Words
Hope you enjoy details about Samarth login portal, features, how to registration in the Samarth portal, समर्थ पोर्टल, IGNOU Samarth helpline number and more. Still you can send suggestion as well. Stay with us upnews360 portal for latest updates.
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