आईआरएफसी आईपीओ: How to check IRFC IPO allotment status online? In this article we shared all the information regarding आईआरएफसी आईपीओ or IRFC IPO subscription, IRFC shares expected listing price, allotment date, financial status, anchor book, registrar and more. Also you can check about IRCTC OFS, WENDT OFS and SAIL OFS online.
IRFC, Indian Railway Finance Corporation Limited was established on 12th December 1986, public limited company dedicated financial company of Indian Railway. Today i.e 25th January or tomorrow IRFC IPO allotment status out, you can check online. Also you can know about GAIL buyback record date 2024, price, offer and more!

IRFC IPO Allotment Status
Main business of IRFC is financing railway department in purchasing both powered and non-powered vehicles, like locomotives, coaches, wagons , trucks, containers, trollies , cranes , flats, electrical multiple units, leasing of railways infrastructure assets and national projects of government of India and lending to other entities under railway department.
Check: वेंडीटी ओएफएस Status, Date & Allotment Online
IRFC arranges financial need for all above activities. IRFC registered Reserve bank of India NBFC (Non Banking Financial Company).
In Fiscals 2017, 2018 and 2019 , IRFC were responsible for financing 72%, 93% and 82%, respectively, of the Indian Railway’s total rolling stock. The total value of Rolling Stock Assets financed by us as of March 31, 2019 and as of September 30, 2019 was 1,940,440.00 million and 2,102,023.51 million, respectively, while the value of Rolling Stock Assets financed in Fiscal 2019 and in the six months ended September 30, 2019, was 240,550.84 million and 146,517.25 million, respectively.
Rolling Stock Assets | Assets financed till March 31, 2019 | Assets financed in Fiscal 2019 | Assets financed till September 30, 2019 | Assets financed in the six months ended September 30, 2019 |
No. of Units | No. of Units | No. of Units | No. of Units | |
Locomotives | 10350 | 707 | 10852 | 502 |
Coaches | 57370 | 5598 | 60641 | 3271 |
Wagons | 229815 | 9069 | 235468 | 5653 |
Cranes and track machines | 85 | – | 85 | – |
How to Check IRFC IPO Allotment Status Online?
In this section we shared how to check IRFC IPO allotment status online or offline. So just follow mentioned steps for check IRFC IPO status:
- First of all visit https://kcas.kfintech.com/ipostatus/
- Next select “IRFC IPO”
- Next you can check by Application ID, PAN CARD or Client ID
- Enter captcha code
- Finally click on “Submit” button
- So you can check IRFC IPO Allotment Status Online
Check IRFC IPO Allotment Status Offline
As we know many people can’t access internet so in that case you can check IRFC Ipo allotment status offline by calling your broker and know you have got Allotment of IRFC IPO or not.
IRFC, Indian Railway Finance Corporation total revenue from operations increased by 15.65% from 80,133.58 million in Fiscal 2017 to 92,671.44 million in Fiscal 2018 and by 20.13% to 111,323.21 million in Fiscal 2019, and was 66,572.47 million in the six months ended September 30, 2019. In Fiscals 2017, 2018 and 2019, and the six months ended September 30, 2019, IRFC profit for the period was 9,211.71 million, 20,490.86 million, 22,546.61 million and 17,147.96 million, respectively.
IRFC Asset Under Management , have grown by 24.73% from 1,238,980.07 million in Fiscal 2017 to 1,545,346.66 million in Fiscal 2018 and by 30.03% to 2,009,373.33 million in Fiscal 2019, and was 2,219,102.49 million in the six months ended September 30, 2019. Disbursements to the Ministry of Railway increased by 33.59% from 274,879.71 million in Fiscal 2017 to 367,222.54 million in Fiscal 2018 and by 43.06% to 525,351.84 million in Fiscal 2019, and was 245,343.25 million in the six months ended September 30, 2019. IRFC capital adequacy ratio as of March 31, 2019 and September 30, 2019 was 259.46% and 303.78%, respectively.
IRFC, Indian Railway Finance corporation received highest credit ratings CRISIL AAA and ICRA AAA.
Strength of IRFC
- Strategic role in financing growth of Indian Railways
- Competitive cost of borrowings based on strong credit ratings in India and diversified sources of funding
- Consistent financial performance and cost plus model
- Low risk business model
- Strong asset-liability management
- Experienced senior management and committed team
Financial Information of IRFC
All amount in Millions of INR.
Particulars | Half Year Ended 30th September 2020 | Year Ended Mach 2019 | Year Ended Mach 2018 | Year Ended Mach 2017 |
Total Revenue From operation | 66572.47 | 111323.21 | 92671.44 | 80133.58 |
Other Income | 40.46 | 12.73 | 12.37 | 4.32 |
Total Income | 66612.93 | 111335.94 | 92683.81 | 80137.90 |
Total Expenses | 49464.97 | 82320.10 | 66758.90 | 59002.90 |
Profit Before Tax | 17147.96 | 29015.84 | 25924.91 | 21135 |
EPS | 1.83 | 3.43 | 3.14 | 1.41 |
IRFC, a public limited company promoted by Indian Railway Department NBFC has zero NPA.
IRFC IPO Important Dates
IRFC IPO Open Date- 18th January 2024
IPO Close Date- 20th January 2024
Tentative Allotment Date – 27th January 2024
IRFC IPO Listing on exchange Date- 29th January 2024
Price Band – Rs 25-26 Per equity Share
Lot Size- 575 equity shares per lot
Overview of IRFC IPO
IRFC IPO | Details |
IRFC IPO open Date | 18th January, 2024 |
Know about IRFC IPO Close Date | 20th January, 2024 |
IRFC IPO Allotment Date | 27th January, 2024 |
Listing Date | 29th January, 2024 |
IRFC IPO Price Band | Rs. 25-25/ per share |
Lot Size | 575 equity share per lot |
Refund Date | 27th January, 2024 |
Listed on | NSE & BSE Both |
IRFC IPO Subscription Status
As we know many people want to know about IRFC IPO subscription status.
IPO Category | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 |
EMP | 13.53 | 18.53 | |
RII | 1.25 | 2.02 | |
HNI | 0.09 | 0.18 | |
Total | 0.65 | 1.05 |
In this section we shared IRFC IPO GMP as mentioned below:
IRFC IPO GMP Date wise | Expected Price |
7/1/2021 | 3.5 |
8/1/2021 | 3 |
9/1/2021 | 2 |
10/1/2021 | 2 |
11/1/2021 | 1.75 |
12/1/2021 | 1.75 |
13/1/2021 | 1.75 |
14/1/2021 | 1.4 |
15/1/2021 | 1.4 |
16/1/2021 | 1.5 |
17/1/2021 | 1.3 |
18/1/2021 | 1.5 |
19/1/2021 | 1.25 |
20/1/2021 | 1 |
What is IPO?
An IPO is a major global financial transaction, which has significantly increased liquidity risk for the global financial market. A good part of the world’s biggest financial institutions are planning to raise funds through IPOs this year. The first ever IPO by a non-bank financial organization (NBFC) into the public market is being conducted by an exclusive private market borrowing arm of Indian Railway.
An IPO is a major transaction, which is likely to witness significant liquidity and volatility. The company intends to raise funds of approximately $1.22 billion. A major portion of the proceeds from the sale will be used to repay debts and purchase necessary infrastructure assets. A large part of the funds raised will be used for working capital requirements and also for payment of fees and brokerage. We expect that the IPO will be issued by an Indian railway finance corporation (IRFC).
The IPO will be listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). On the first day of the IPO price will be restricted to buyers who have bought securities directly from the company or their broker. The shares will be listed under the symbol IRFC. The first day’s trading is expected to be brisk. The IPO will be issued by an exclusive private market borrowing arm of Indian Railway.
IRFC IPO Allotment Status in Hindi
राज्य के स्वामित्व वाली भारतीय रेलवे वित्त निगम 18 जनवरी, 2024 को 10 रुपये प्रति इक्विटी शेयर के अंकित मूल्य के लिए 25 से 26 रुपये प्रति इक्विटी शेयर के मूल्य बैंड पर आईपीओ लेकर आ रहा है। यह मुद्दा 20 जनवरी, 2024 तक रहेगा। आईएफआरसी का शेयर एनएसई और बीएसई दोनों पर लिस्ट हो जाएगा ।
इस मुद्दे पर लीड मैनेजर चलाने वाली पुस्तक में डैम कैपिटल एडवाइजर्स, एचएसबीसी सिक्योरिटीज एंड कैपिटल मार्केट्स (इंडिया), आईसीआईसीआई सिक्योरिटीज और एसबीआई कैपिटल मार्केट्स हैं ।
आईएफआरसी को 1986 में एक सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के उद्यम के रूप में शामिल किया गया था जो पूरी तरह से भारत सरकार के स्वामित्व में है। आईआरएफसी के लिए प्राथमिक व्यवसाय रोलिंग स्टॉक परिसंपत्तियों के अधिग्रहण, रेलवे अवसंरचना परिसंपत्तियों को पट्टे पर देने और रेल मंत्रालय (एमओआर) के तहत संस्थाओं को ऋण देने का वित्तपोषण कर रहा है ।
आईआरएफसी आईपीओ खबर
यह भारतीय रेलवे की उधारी शाखा के रूप में कार्य करता है, आईआरएफसी मुख्य रूप से एमओआर के लिए धन जुटाने के लिए उत्तरदायी है जो न केवल वैगन, ट्रक, इलेक्ट्रिक मल्टीपल यूनिट्स, लोकोमोटिव, कोच जैसी रोलिंग स्टॉक परिसंपत्तियों की खरीद के लिए आवश्यक है, बल्कि इसके सुधार, विस्तार और परिसंपत्ति प्रबंधन को भी आवश्यक है ।
आईएफआरसी 30 साल की लीज अवधि के लिए रोलिंग स्टॉक एसेट्स प्रोक्योरमेंट के वित्तपोषण के लिए एक वित्तीय पट्टे पर देने वाले मॉडल का अनुसरण करता है । वित्त वर्ष 2019 में भारतीय रेलवे द्वारा वास्तविक पूंजीगत व्यय 1,334 अरब रुपये था, जिसमें से आईआरएफसी ने 39.34% व्यय के लिए 525.35 अरब रुपये का वित्तपोषण किया।
IRFC IPO Book Running Lead Managers
Here we shared list of Book running lead managers for IRFC IPO as mentioned below:
1. SBI Capital Markets Limited
202, Maker Tower ‘E’, Cuffe
Parade, Mumbai – 400 005,
Maharashtra, India
Telephone: +91 (22) 2217 8300
E-mail: [email protected]
Investor grievance e-mail: [email protected]
Contact Person: Aditya Deshpande
Website: www.sbicaps.com
SEBI Registration No.: INM000003531
2. ICICI Securities Limited
ICICI Center, H.T. Parekh Marg,
Churchgate, Mumbai – 400020,
Maharashtra, India
Telephone: +91 (22) 2288 2460/70
E-mail: [email protected]
Investor grievance e-mail: [email protected]
Contact Person: Shekher Asnani/Anurag Byas
Website: www.icicisecurities.com
Registration No.: INM000011179
3. HSBC Securities and Capital Markets (India) Private Limited
52/60, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Fort,
Mumbai-400001, Maharashtra, India
Telephone: +91 (22) 2268 5555
E-mail: [email protected] Investor grievance e-mail: [email protected]
Contact Person: Sanjana Maniar
Website: www.business.hsbc.co.in/engb/in/generic/ipo-open-offer-andbuyback
SEBI Registration No.: INM000010353
4. DAM Capital Advisors Limited
(Formerly known as IDFC Securities Limited)
One BKC, Tower C, 15th Floor
Unit No. 1511, Bandra Kurla Complex
Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400 051.
Telephone: +91 22 4202 2500
E-mail: [email protected]
Investor grievance e-mail: [email protected]
Contact Person: Kunal Thakkar
Website: www.damcapital.in
SEBI Registration No.: MB/INM000011336]
Registrar of IRFC IPO
As we know in IPO 1 is registrar, So for IRFC IPO KFin Technology is Registrar and you can check IRFC IPO allotment status at KFin website.
KFin Technologies Private Limited
(formerly known as “Karvy Fintech Private Limited”)
Selenium Tower-B
Plot 31 & 32, Gachibowli
Financial District, Nanakramguda, Serilingampally
Hyderabad 500 032
Telangana, India
Telephone: +91 40 6716 2222
Email: [email protected]
Investor grievance email: [email protected]
Contact Person: M. Murali Krishna
Website: www.kfintech.com
SEBI Registration No: INR000000221
Frequently Asked Questions
- When IRFC IPO open?
Ans: IRFC IPO application starts from 18th January, 2024 Monday.
- What is the last date for IRFC IPO?
Ans: IRFC IPO last date is 20th January, 2024 Wednesday.
- What is the price band for IRFC IPO?
Ans: IRFC IPO price band is between 25-26 Rs.
- How much shares in 1 lot in IRFC IPO?
Ans: IRFC IPO having 575 shares in 1 Lot.
- What is IRFC IPO Listing date?
Ans: IRFC IPO listed on NSE and BSE on 29th January, 2024
- What is the refund date for IRFC IPO?
Ans: IRFC IPO refund date is 27th January, 2024.
Final Thought
At last we hope you know all the details regarding how to check IRFC IPO allotment status online as well offline, Subscription status, expected listing price or IRFC GMP, आईआरएफसी आईपीओ आईआरएफसी आईपीओ शेयर की कीमत and more. Still you have any queries you can contact official website or write in the below comment section.
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