Telangana PRC News
In this article we talk about 11th PRC Telangana latest news Today 2024 online. After the initial delay the Pay Revision Commission or the PRC has decided to submit the relevant report regarding the way revision of the employees to the government. If this report gets validated, then the relevant pay hike might be implemented from April 2024.
The sources have revealed that the CM is set to meet the relevant employees of the government for explaining the financial status and position of the state. The financial position of the Telangana state is not fair for implementing 11th PRC in a quite elaborative and exhaustive manner. Know about Telangana Electric Vehicle Policy news online.

11th PRC Telangana Latest News Today
The 11th PRC Telangana latest news related hike must be around 30% which will in turn add another Rs. 1300 crore burden on the existing exchequer.If the pay hike gets implemented, then this will be the primary kind of its genre after its formation.
Constituted in May 2018, this issue recently encountered its fourth extension on December thirty first, 2020. This led to the significant rise in the speculations among the government employees that they may have to wait longer for the desired hike and enjoy the perks of a revised pay.
Latest: LRS Telangana Calculator online
11th PRC Telangana State News
TNGO reveals that the government has stated additional terms of reference to the PRC for studying the existing government business conditions recommending the necessary modifications for bringing enhanced clarity and expeditiousness in the government’s decision-making process.
Apart from this the government has also stated the study of the existing organisation of the departments and balanced distribution of the business among those departments following the respective business norms and for examining and recommending the staffing pattern that needs to be adopted in the district offices and collectories of all the major departments.
11th पीआरसी तेलंगाना नवीनतम समाचार
काफी देरी के बाद वेतन पुनरीक्षण आयोग (पीआरसी) कर्मचारियों के वेतन पुनरीक्षण पर अपनी रिपोर्ट इसी महीने सरकार को सौंपने के लिए तैयार है। यदि रिपोर्ट मान्य है, तो वेतन वृद्धि अप्रैल 2024 में लागू की जा सकती है।
वे तेलंगाना राज्य सरकार के कर्मचारी और शिक्षक समुदाय तेलंगाना नए वेतन संशोधन आयोग २०२१ को टीएस पीआरसी २०२१ के रूप में ठीक से जाने जाने की प्रतीक्षा कर रहे हैं और वे सभी पुराने मूल वेतन के आधार पर टीएस पीआरसी कैलुकलेटर २०२१ का उपयोग करके अपने नए मूल वेतन की गणना करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं और तेलंगाना राज्य नियोक्ता और शिक्षकों के मास्टर वेतन के लिए आईआर, डीए और फिटमेंट को मंजूरी दे रहे हैं ।
11వ పీఆర్సీ తెలంగాణ వార్తలు 2024
ముఖ్యమంత్రి కే చంద్రశేఖర్ రావు ప్రభుత్వ ఉద్యోగులను కలిసి రాష్ట్ర ఆర్థిక పరిస్థితిని వివరించవచ్చని విశ్వసనీయ వర్గాలు తెలిపాయి. ‘రాష్ట్ర ప్రభుత్వ ఆర్థిక పరిస్థితి పీఆర్సీని పెద్ద గా అమలు చేయడం మంచిది కాదు. ఇది 30% ఉండవచ్చు, కానీ అది కూడా ఖజానాపై మరో 1,300 కోట్ల భారం పడుతుంది.”
టీఎస్ పీఆర్సీ 2024 ద్వారా రాష్ట్ర ప్రభుత్వ ఉద్యోగులకు కొత్త వేతన సవరణ కమిషన్ ను ప్రకటించనున్న తెలంగాణ ప్రభుత్వం, టీఎస్ పీఆర్సీ 2024 ద్వారా కొత్త పీఆర్సీ నివేదిక 2024ను ఆర్థిక శాఖకు సమర్పించాలని తెలంగాణ ముఖ్యమంత్రి కేసీఆర్ ఆదేశించారు.
It must be mentioned in this context that 6.5 lakh government employees including the pensioners are waiting for this pay revision which is due since first of July, 2018. The employees are demanding a fitment of 63% which might increase the additional exchequer to Rs. 18,000 crore. 43% fitment was provided by the state government in 2014.
Source: ETV Telangana
As per the reports of TNGO, PRC has already completed nearly 95% of its job regarding the pay scales of which the report will be submitted in March of the current year. Meetings might be held regarding the issue during the third or fourth week of March. There might be a provision for PRC during the current budget proposal.
Final Words
As discussed in the above article 11th PRC Telangana latest news Today 2024 online. In the mean time when Government of Telangana declared all the information. We shared PRC Calculator, Basic pay, Dearness Allowance and all. Till that you can check upnews360 news portal for regularly updates & News.
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