Vishwakarma Shram Samman Yojana

Vishwakarma Shram Samman Yojana: विश्वकर्मा श्रम सम्मान योजना

Vishwakarma Shram Samman Yojna UP

Vishwakarma Shram Samman Yojana was launched in the state of Uttar Pradesh by the Yogi government, its aim being generation of employment in the traditional jobs sector. Under this yojana, youth will be trained in traditional skills or work such as carpentry, black smiths, tailoring, pottery work, gold smith work, running sweat meat shops, etc.

Self- employment schemes and handicrafts will be promoted amongst the youth, so that it won’t be difficult for people to earn their breads. This is a great decision by the government and was discussed and taken in the cabinet meeting that was held. Know more about Kisan Suryoday Yojana Gujarat 2020 online form & registration.

Vishwakarma Shram Samman Yojana

Vishwakarma Shram Samman Yojana

In this time, when the whole world is suffering from this widespread pandemic, employment opportunities are being decreased day by day, and hence, workers are seating for searching work here and there. So, observing this ongoing situation, preparations are being made to provide trainings to the workers who are interested in giving a new shape to their work, through district industries and entrepreneurship promotion centre.

यूपी विश्वकर्मा श्रम सम्मान योजना 2020

सब्से पहले से यूपी मुख्यमंत्री ने सबी पारंपरिक करीग्रो के विकास और स्वरोजगार यानी स्वरोजगर को बधवा देने के लिये है विश्वाक्रमा श्रम सम्मान योजना २०२० की शुरआत की है । Jiske liye योजना के antargat ऑनलाइन पंजीकरण प्रक्रिया की शुरआत श्रम मंत्रालय के आधिकारिक पोर्टल बराबर shuru कार di gyi है ।

इस योजना में उत्तर प्रदेश के सहरी या ग्रामीण क्षेत्र के बढ़ई, दर्जी, टोकरी बुनकर, नाई, सुनार, लोहार, कुम्हार, हलवाई, मोची जैस पारंपरिक व्यापारियों और हस्तशिल्प की कला को Protsahit karne और aage badhane के liye राज्य सरकार द्वार सरकार है सरकार योजना को शूरू करने का निर्भय लिया गया है । जिस्के लिये रजिस्ट्रेशन सबी लम्हरथियो को अनके कौशल मी ग्रोथ के लिये 6 डिनो का ट्रेनिंग प्रदान दीया जयेगा ।


The district industries and/or promotion centers are in charge of the trainings which are to be imparted to the interested self employed people, so, these departments can be contacted for the same.

Training is available ten very different genres or fields. You need to specify and inform them about the duration of your work experience in the traditional sector , and, for how much time you want to work in that particular field. Workers above the age of 18 years can apply for the vishwakarma shram samman yojana, online.

The official website for this department is, and as soon as you’re selected, you can get trained under this yojana. After selection, entrepreneurship development institute, Lucknow, will impart training to the selected applicants. There are other institutes providing the training as well. They will also be monitored for ensuring quality training


Once the training gets completed, if someone wants to set up a small industry or a business, the government can provide them with an assistance of rupees 1000000 to rupees 2500000. Rebate of 25 percent will also be provided. Almost 1182 applications have been received by the district industries (last year, 400 applications were received), the deputy commissioner of the department confirmed. The selection screening process is going on right now.


  • The person applying under the vishwakarma shram samman yojana should be a resident of Uttar Pradesh originally as well as authentically.
  • To avail this scheme, the applicant must be at least 18 years old or older.
  • No educational qualifications will be monitored, as they are not required for this scheme.
  • The applicant must have not taken benefit of this or any other similar government scheme in the past two years.


The following documents of the applicants are required for registering under this scheme:

  • Aadhar card (ID proof) of the applicant.
  • Ration card.
  • Passport sized photographs of the applicant
  • A copy of the passbook for the bank account of the applicant.
  • Certificate of residence or a residence proof.
  • Active phone number belonging to the applicant.


  • Training will be given to laborers as well as workers under the tehsil or department of small enterprises at main levels under this scheme.
  • There will be a 6 days free training program for the beneficiaries to generate easy employment.
  • Cost of food and water will be included in the training program and will be given by the government.
  • Tool kits will be provided to the applicants after the completion of the training.


  1. Visit the official website for this scheme, which is, .
  2. After clicking the link provided in the above step, select the home page, which you will probably be on already.
  3. Now, you will have to click on the new user registration field.
  4. After this, you will see a new page which opened after clicking on the previous field, here, you will see a new form, which you need to fill by giving all the required details
  5. Now, you need to submit this form after correctly filling in all the details after which, you will be registered for the scheme.

Vishwakarma shram samaan yojana

In this section we shared Vishwakarma shram samaan yojana contact details with customer care number with email address as below:

  • Vishwakarma shram samaan yojana Customer Care Number: +91 (512) 2218401, 2234956
  • Email Address:

Final Words

Vishwakarma shram samman yojana was launched by the state government of Uttar Pradesh in order to provide better employment opportunities for workers in the state. Under this yojana or scheme, training will also be imparted to the applicants in ten different fields or genres, generating good chances for self employment.

The food and water charges during this training program will be borne by the government. If needed, financing by the government as a part of assistance will also be provided for small industry set ups. To avail this government scheme, you must be a resident of Uttar Pradesh, and above the age of 18.

Also, you need to submit few documents such as adhaar card, bank passbook etc. you must not have enjoyed any other similar scheme by the government in the past two years or so. In short words, Vishwakarma shram samman yojana is a great initiative taken by the UP government in the welfare of the workers there.

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