Dharani Portal GHMC
What is Dharani Portal Telangana? CM Chandrashekhar Rao launched dharani portal in Telangana state. Basically Dharani telangana for land & property related as well for documentation portal. Owning land is not at all any easy task. Check out Layout Regularisation scheme telangana , TS BDP payment and more.
Many times the people are deceived which ultimately makes them lose their land. For a better administration and registration of the lands, the Telangana government has created a new system which is the Integrated Land Records System also known as Dharani. Also Know about NPB TS telangana portal online as well.

Dharani Portal Telangana
The establishment of this system is one of the progressive steps towards maintaining the record of the land and prevents any kind of deceit. All the functions related to the discharge of the land or its parcel is carried out efficiently and effectively by Dharani. Any action if required is taken immediately by Dharani to resolve the unwanted circumstances.
The Dharani portal has been designed to safeguard the ownership of the lands. All the non-agricultural properties are enlisted online for the Dharani portal.
About Dharani Portal in Hindi
पारदर्शिता और दक्षता बढ़ाने के अलावा, पोर्टल का उद्देश्य भूमि पंजीकरण, उत्परिवर्तन और हस्तांतरण के लिए जवाबदेही और सुरक्षित और परेशानी मुक्त नागरिक सेवाएं प्रदान करना है। यह पंजीकरण प्रक्रिया में खामियों को दूर करने के साथ-साथ सभी भूमि और संपत्ति से संबंधित जानकारी को ऑनलाइन स्टोर करने के लिए भी है।
Dharani वेबसाइट को कृषि भूमि के पंजीकरण, उत्तराधिकार और यहां तक कि विभाजन को सरल बनाने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है, ताकि यह सुनिश्चित किया जा सके कि पूरी प्रक्रिया कुछ ही मिनटों में पूरी हो जाए और ई-पट्टादार पासबुक भूमि मालिकों को तुरंत उपलब्ध कराया जाए । पंजीकरण, नामांतरण, उत्तराधिकार और विभाजन से संबंधित दस्तावेज भी मौके पर उपलब्ध कराए जाएंगे ।
How to Register On Dharani Portal?
All the non-agricultural property owners who wish to register their property on the Dharani portal has to provide their personal details for registration. The personal details required in order to register includes the following:
- Caste
- Mode of property acquisition
- Family details
- Adhaar and Mobile Number
- Their Photograph
How to Login On Dharani Portal?
In this section we shared step by step info about how to login Dharani website online. To login to the Dharani portal, you need to follow a few simple steps that have been mentioned below.
- Visit the portal and click on the ‘Login’ option.
- Choose the user type and enter your username and password.
- In case you choose the ‘citizen’ option you will have to enter the password and mobile number.
- Once you have entered all the detail click on the ‘Login’.
Features of Dharani Portal
The one-stop solution for all the land-related issues, Dharani has been designed with astounding features that prove to be quite beneficial for the property owners of the non-agricultural lands.
- Dharani provides solutions for instant online registration and also deals with any kind of modifications in the property.
- It aims to eliminate the corruption that takes place in the land administration department.
- Dharani also resolves any kind of land disputes that occurs.
- It updates all the textual data of the land.
- The portal contains all the land records.
- It has to maintain and handle the various records by updating the records of land registrations and ownership on regular basis.
- Dharani also facilitates the registration of the property or lands.
- It efficiently manages the land administration by various methods which include using advanced and innovative technologies.
- Any change in the ownership of the land would be carried out online via Dharani portal.\
- One can access the records of both agricultural as well as non-agricultural.
Benefits of Dharani Portal
The main aim behind setting up this portal was to abolish the corruption and deceit that takes place in land administration and ownership process. To provide people with a clear and transparent platform, containing honest document and data, Dharani portal was established. The beneficial factors of the Dharani portal have been mentioned below.
- It is the single platform that manages the land records accurately.
- The portal uses GIS tools in order to update the spatial as well as textual data.
- On the basis of the request from a citizen or department Dharani, automatically triggers mutation after registration.
How to Check Land Details On Dharani Portal?
It is not at all difficult to check your land details on the Dharani portal. All you need to do is follow the steps mentioned below.
- Click on the ‘Land Status’ option that appears on the home page.
- Enter the details like District, Division, Mandal, Village and Khata Number or Survey Number.
- Once you have entered the details select ‘Get Details’ and you will instantly receive your land details.
Gone are the days when people had to face huge losses due to land frauds. With the Dharani portal, the situations have become much better. The strict administration and efficient working system of Dharani have helped the people to the great extent.
Dharani Portal Telangana Citizen Services
Revenue Services
- Mutation/Succession
- Land Valuation Certificate
- Agriculture Income Certificate
- Land Conversion/NALA
Registration Services
- Certified Copy
- Group Registration
- Public Data Entry
- Payments of Stamps Services
- Slot Booking and Slot Rescheduling
- Duty and Fee Calculator
- Payment of Registration Services
- View Unit Rates
- Track Application
- Encumbrance Fetch
- View Receipt
- Market Value Assistance
Land Details Search Telangana
As we know CM Chandrashekhar Rao launched Dharani portal in Telangana for property & land related issue. So in this section we shared how to know land details and search in telangana online.
- First of all visit official Telangana portal or visit here
- Next enter your pattadar passbook number
- Else select District, Mandal or village
- Also enter Khata no or Survey No
- Enter correct captcha
- Finally click on “Fetch” button
Citizen Login for Slot Booking
If you want to check citizen loin for slot booking in Telangana then follow given steps:
- Visit Dharani telangana portal
- Enter your Mobile number & password
- Next enter correct captcha
- Finally click on “Get OTP”
How to Check Prohibited Lands in Telangana
Now a days check property before buying & selling is very difficult task. Especially agriculture land check is very tough so Telangana CM launched dharani portal. In this portal many features including check prohibited lands as well.
- Very first step is visit Dharani Telangana portal
- Next enter District, Mandal, Village
- Then enter correct captcha
- Last click on “Fetch” button
Frequently Asked Questions
- How can I check my land record online in Telangana?
Ans: For check Telangana land record online visit Telangana official website.
- What is ROR in land records Telangana?
Ans: ROR means Record of Rights in land records registers held by Telangana Revenue Department.
- How can I check land owner in Telangana?
Ans: To check land owner in Telangana visit dharani.telangana.gov.in.
- Can we get EC online in Telangana?
Ans: Yes online EC available in Telangana. But make sure Online EC available for transaction post 1-1-1983 only.
- How do I check my land passbook status in Telangana?
Ans: To check land passbook status in Telangana you have to visit Dharani portal or visit dharani.telangana.gov.in.
- Who is Telangana CCLA?
Ans: The Chief Commissioner of Land Administration (CCLA) is the chief controlling authority for the revenue administration consisting of Revenue.
Video Credit: TV9 Telugu
Final Words
As we talk Dharani portal last date, latest news of Dharani portal GHMC, basic information, non agricultural properties, how to login dharani website and telangana dharani portal in the above article. Although we shared each and every information in this article. So hope you like article and share with you friend. Stay with us latest news in India. Yesterday state governement launched telangana electric vehicle policy 2020 online.
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